Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Power of Green Tea

Today at Natural Weight Loss I would like to talk about the weight loss benefits of drinking Green Tea.

In Asia, green tea has been traditionally used both as a beverage and as a herbal medicine. Many studies have shown its antioxidative properties, how it can capture free radicals and lower cholesterol. But what of weight loss?

Experiments at the University of Geneva have shown that green tea can help you lose weight. Measurements taken during the experiment showed that green tea raised energy expenditure and lowered the respiration quotient, or RQ (a lower RQ means that more fats are metabolized for energy). In addition, the experiment showed that those volunteers taking the green tea extract were burning off more fat calories than those on placebos.

The scientists behind the experiment concluded that substances known as catechin polyphenols in the green tea were responsible for altering the body's use of norepinephrine; a chemical transmitter in the nervous system. This resulted in an increase in the rate of calorie burn off. They went on to state that green tea has thermogenic properties and promotes fat oxidation beyond that explained by its caffeine content.

Incidently, it has also been shown that people who have taken tea as a regular beverage over a number of years, have less body fat than those who have not used tea.


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